The APRR supports the SPA with its campaign against the abandonment of animals

APRR / Twitter

The APRR, one of the largest motorway groups in France, has once again launched its campaign against the abandonment of pets. His initiative aims in particular to raise funds for the benefit of the SPA.

With 2300 km of motorways to manage between Paris , the surroundings of the Rhône ( Clermont-Ferrand , Lyon , Grenoble ) and the Rhine ( Mulhouse ), the APRR is well placed to note this sad trend of the increase in the number abandonment of dogs and cats , especially in this summer period.

To raise awareness of this issue and its support to the SPA, the 2nd French motorway group and 4 European e #APRRcontrelabandon relaunched its campaign. For this initiative, APRR relies heavily on social networks , encouraging Internet users to post photos of themselves and their pets there under the hashtags #APRRcontrelabandon #LaSPA . Thus, for each selfie of the kind posted, the Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône company undertakes to donate 1 euro to the SPA . The goal is to reach the sum of 40,000 euros intended to finance meals for the residents of the association’s shelters.

This campaign is already on the right track, having benefited from 30,000 supports to date, including those of well-known figures from television ( Valérie Damidot ), sport (tenniswoman Caroline Garcia ) or even Instagram ( Natoo and EnjoyPhoenix ).

Compared to 2018, the SPA has recorded a 17% increase in dog and cat abandonment in its shelters since the start of the year. Each year, a peak is observed with the approach of the holidays , too many families still unfortunately deciding to separate from their pets before returning to their holiday resorts. However, there is no shortage of solutions when it comes to dog and cat care.

Read also: A dog abandoned in a park desperately awaits the return of its owner and refuses the food offered by passers-by

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