Gribouille, this runaway dog adopted by another family, has found his original master!

The complaint against the SPA was upheld. But, the one who is the author had the good fortune, Sunday, to find his dog. The latter had been entrusted by the SPA to a family a few weeks ago. A family which, faced with the scale of the affair, made the usual verifications and returned the doggie to its original owner. A nice gesture to salute.

We recently mentioned the case of this man who had filed a complaint against the SPA . The reason was simple: her dog, Gribouille , had run away last June. He would have been found by the Society for the Protection of Animals who would have adopted him to another family.

The case is to be judged in early October at the Bergerac court. It is maintained, but, this Sunday, August 25, Pascal Salasc , original owner of Gribouille , was able to find his 5-year-old Border Collie thanks to the open-mindedness of Laura , recently the mistress of this dog renamed Bandy : “ When I discovered that Pascal thought Bandy was his dog, I went to the vet to do an X-ray. I wanted to verify that Bandy did indeed have an identification chip in the name of Pascal Salasc, ”she explains to France Bleu.

A heartbreak for Laura , a relief for Pascal

This was the case, although the SPA announced the opposite, and had even implanted another chip . Laura therefore decided to give Bandy back to Pascal, even if it was not done without pain. “ It’s heartbreaking for me, ” she admits.

Also read: Dog with hanging tongue undergoes several jaw operations following severe infection


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