Suffering from strange symptoms, only an X-ray at the vet could determine what this dog was suffering from!

Local 12 / WKRC-TV

Dovey had less of an appetite than usual. At the same time, the owners of this bitch wondered where their child’s pacifiers had gone. They were far from suspecting that these 2 events, at first sight unrelated, were linked.

At the time, Dovey , a Shar-Pei dog , was 4 years old. His teachers had to have their 2nd child and had made quite a pacifier stock for the baby. However, the latter mysteriously disappeared , and in large numbers.

Parents were also realizing that their dogs tended to eat less . She had even vomited once, but since she seemed to be fine , they didn’t care. Until the grandmother makes a surprising discovery , as the Animal Channel tells.

She had, in fact, seen Dovey jump onto the kitchen counter and grab one of the infant’s pacifiers. As soon as they found out, the dog’s owners took her to the Gentle Care veterinary clinic , located in Edmond in the state of Oklahoma (south-central United States). This is where Dr Chris Rispoli worked , a veterinarian who knew Dovey perfectly, since he had been monitoring her from an early age.

The specialist requested an x-ray and what the latter revealed confirmed her and the family’s suspicions. Dr Rispoli was able to count 9 pacifiers in the bitch’s stomach and therefore had to operate on her . The intervention, however, brought an additional surprise: Dovey had, in fact, swallowed a total of 21 totottes !

The vet took them all out. He decided to post the photos (the X-rays and the pacifiers coming out of the stomach) for 2 reasons. First, because he had never seen this in his 20-year career . Second, to encourage dog and pet owners in general to be more careful with items left within their reach.

Read also: Deaf and blind, this pink dog star of social networks is a source of inspiration for all

Dovey recovered well and her owners made sure to put the pacifiers out of her reach. His incredible story was featured on Local 12 / WKRC-TV :

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