This puppy separated from his brothers kept crying, until his foster mom found the solution

Mariann, who acted as foster family for Rhett the puppy, didn’t know how to get him to stop crying. She finally got the idea to keep him against her by using a baby sling. Bingo!

Rhett the puppy was born to a litter of 6 siblings. All the little ones and their mother were taken care of by an association shortly after their birth , then were entrusted to foster families , as The Dodo recounts.

Rhett , Junior and Owen thus landed at Mariann Wright-Feliciano . Sadly, some time later Owen fell seriously ill and died . Subsequently, Junior , in turn, saw his health decline and had to be kept in a veterinary clinic . Deprived of his 2 brothers, Rhett became inconsolable . He spent his time crying and Mariann felt helpless in the face of the puppy’s sadness. Then she had an idea; using a sling , as many mothers do with their babies, in the hope that it will help ease separation anxiety .

Snuggling up to Mariann reassured Rhett , who was no longer crying . The latter did not wear it permanently, however, because she wanted him to develop his independence . She only did it for 10 to 15 minutes every now and then. The young dog had become much more serene thanks to this.

Then Junior fully recovered and returned to Mariann and Rhett , who was thrilled to find his brother. A feeling obviously shared by Junior , but also by Mariann who had, too, badly lived the death of Owen and the long absence of Junior .

With the return of his brother, Rhett never needed to be carried again. He had Junior by his side and that was enough for him now. Then all 2 were adopted and joined their new respective families, from whom they lead everyone a happy u a.


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