Call for solidarity for a homeless woman and her dog, for accommodation

A woman met, Friday, November 8, a homeless man and her dog near the Lille-Flandres station, in Lille. Since then, she has appealed for help to accommodate a lady who cannot integrate a structure because of her doggie. Many messages have arrived from all over France.

Alexandra is, in life, a nursing assistant by profession. But if she makes the front page of our colleagues at La Voix du Nord, it is because the one who lives in Villeneuve-d’Ascq , in the North , has shown an outburst of generosity beyond measure.

On this Friday, November 8, Alexandra crosses paths with a woman, homeless , in her forties. She is sitting, blanket on her back, with her dog in the courtyard of a car park near the Lille-Flandres station . Far from turning her back on him, she walks towards her. “ I struck up a conversation. She explained to me that she could not find a home for herself and her dog, and that she could not live without him … ”, she confides to the regional daily.

The dog protects her from violence

Alexandra worries about the lady’s fate. She posts a message on social networks, shared for more than 4000 times ! She places photos, and a short text, explaining that no one accepts her because of her dog’s presence.

Also read: This dedicated Rottweiler copies everything his human best friend does!

The fact remains that, since Friday, the lady who has no phone is nowhere to be found. If she regularly comes near the places where Alexandra met her, she has not set foot there since that famous evening. But the Northerner does not despair of finding her, and thus putting her in touch with people ready to open their doors to her.


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