A cat found and returned to his family 3 years after his escape

A family from Arras finally found their missing cat in 2016. The feline had run away while he was with his owners in Meurthe-et-Moselle. His tattoo allowed us to have their contact details.

It had been 3 long years since Marie Demacq , owner of Jasmin , and her companion Jean-Pierre had no news of their cat . The animal had, in fact, disappeared in 2016 . He was then 2 years old . He is now back with his family , reports La Voix du Nord .

Three years ago, therefore, Jean-Pierre and Marie went to Alsace to spend their holidays there. A 400 km trip from Arras (62) where they live. It was during the return trip that the disappearance occurred. The couple had briefly stopped at Longwy (54). Jasmin had taken advantage of this stopover to escape . Despite their best efforts, his owners had failed to find him.

Marie and Jean-Pierre continued to look for him after arriving in Pas-de-Calais. Alerts on social networks , posters and even several back and forth trips between Arras and the Lorraine town where the cat had run away… None of their attempts hit the mark until last Monday (October 21), when the phone call long-awaited finally sounded. At the other end of the line, it was the veterinary clinic L’Ecureuil de Longwy . They were told that Jasmin had just been found and that their contact details had been obtained thanks to his identification tattoo .

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The cat had been picked up the day before by a local resident. The feline was hanging out in front of his house. She was unaware that he had a family who had been looking for him since 2016. It was only after being taken to the vet on Monday morning that the identity of his owners could be revealed.

Marie and Jean-Pierre , moved , made the trip the following Thursday (October 24) for a reunion full of joy.


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