10 heartwarming photos of dogs watching over a newborn baby

When we take pictures of babies accompanied by their dogs, we can only obtain images of irresistible beauty. The talent of the photographer Bethany Hope sublimates these scenes.

Bethany Hope is passionate about photography who is fortunate to have turned her hobby into a profession.

For several years, she has specialized in birth, maternity and family photos. She thus realizes fabulous portraits immortalizing extremely precious moments, especially with newborns.

Here are 10 of these pictures full of tenderness of dogs watching over a newborn baby …

1. There is a lot of love and kindness in his eyes

2. She is between good paws, there is absolutely no doubt to have on this point

3. The dog’s bow tie and the one wrapped around the baby are perfectly matched

4. He is proud to pose alongside his little brother and his parents

5. He seems to tell his mom that he adores his little sister and promises her that he will take good care of her.

6. What a wonderful little family!

7. No one will disturb the newborn’s nap as long as the dog is watching over him.

8. He too has made it his mission to protect his human friend.

Read also: She receives a notification from her surveillance camera and discovers a stray dog at her door decided not to leave

9. The more time he spends by his side, the happier he is.

10. The smile of the infant and the kindness of the dog offer a most moving spectacle


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