Prevention of tick and flea bites in dogs is also in autumn

Illustration : "La prévention des morsures de tiques et de puces chez le chien, c’est aussi en automne" Illustration photo

Alongside hygiene measures, different repellent solutions make it possible to prevent bites of parasites, sources of discomfort and diseases for the dog. Ticks and fleas are not idle at the end of summer, far from it…

Infestation by fleas or ticks is feared by all canine owners. They know how much these parasites can affect the well-being and health of their dogs. The latter are not immune to it when autumn arrives. How to effectively protect your pet? What are the prevention products and measures to be used?”

” External parasites of the dog: beware of the decrease in vigilance in the fall!

Certainly, ticks and fleas are more prevalent in spring and summer, especially because dogs go out more. However, autumn also brings its share of bites of external parasites, because we tend to lower our guard with the fall in temperatures.”

In addition, our 4-legged friends spend more time indoors, which is heated. This provides an atmosphere conducive to the development of these tiny insects.”

It is therefore essential to continue prevention during the fall and thus allow your dog to remain serene and healthy.”

Fleas and ticks: the dangers that await the dog

The protection of dogs against fleas and ticks is essential in more ways than one. These external parasites cause a great much inconvenience and can significantly disturb animals on a daily basis. They give rise to itching, pain, the appearance of plaques or redness in particular. Some dogs also develop allergic reactions caused by tick saliva.”

In addition, the latter are likely to carry a multitude of diseases, some of which are serious, even fatal. Piroplasmosis, ehrlichiosis and Lyme disease are among the conditions potentially resulting from tick bites.”

When it comes to protection against external parasites, prevention remains the best approach. It prevents the dog from suffering the consequences of bites and waiting for the curative solutions (anti-flea and anti-tick treatments) to take effect.”

” Brushing and regular checks as means of prevention

Preventing tick and flea bites, this involves hygiene measures, the main one of which remains brushing. Brushing your dog once or twice a week – the frequency depends on the breed, the type of hair and the lifestyle – both maintains the beauty of the coat and prevents parasites from settling.”

Brushing is also an opportunity to inspect the skin and hair thoroughly, in order to detect and remove possible ticks or fleas. If a tick has been found, it is possible to dislodge it using a tick puller.”

Use suitable and effective repellents

Tick and flea repellents provide both valuable and decisive help in the prevention of bites of external parasites. Their use is all the more judicious as considerable progress has been made in this field by laboratories, in particular by focusing on natural active ingredients of plant origin, such as margosa extract or lavandin. The latter are known for their insecticidal action.”

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By being applied to the dog, the repellent forms a kind of barrier and thus keeps the parasites at bay. Some actors, such as Vétocanis, offer high-performance solutions adapted to all types of dogs, as well as their way of life. The brand has developedppé a full range of pipettes, collars, shampoos, sprays and powders repellent against ticks, fleas and mosquitoes, which can protect your dog up to 3 months.”

These are products based on natural repellent substances and fleas, including those mentioned above, and with scientifically proven efficacy.”

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