Wandering in a landfill, this dog affected by mange has transformed thanks to a man with a big heart (video)

A very moving rescue was carried out by an American group that works in the defense of animals. A dog suffering from a severe case of mange was abandoned to her fate in a landfill.

Hopes For Paws received a call informing them that a female dog was alone in a landfill and was seriously ill . Immediately, members of the Los Angeles , California-based group attended the scene.

The know-how of the rescuers allowed them to approach the dog and gain her trust . Very often, an animal in such a state and on its own is afraid and wary of humans. But thanks to their experience with street dogs and their good will, the rescuers were able to get the dog to follow them in their car.

On his arrival at their premises, the veterinarians diagnosed a good number of diseases which assailed the poor animal. Indeed, the renowned animal Miley suffered from a very severe case of mange, but also from intestinal parasites. She was also extremely malnourished . Above all, Miley suffered from too much loneliness.

To treat her, the vets had to give her therapeutic baths and several treatments. After 3 days, the dog’s condition was already improving and life was settling in her heart again. Indeed, the 3rd day only, his rescuer was treated to a kiss. Her body was healing and she was grateful.

2 weeks later, Miley met Frankie , a Chihuahua dog who had survived a drain pipe. Extremely suspicious and scared, Frankie was shaking all over her body. But Miley felt her pain and didn’t allow the fear to paralyze her. She took her under her wing and brought her out of her inhibition and see that she could trust other animals and humans again.

Miley was saved thanks to the charitable souls of Hopes For Paws and she herself has shown great generosity in helping another animal in distress.

Read also: A Golden Retriever adopts the cubs of a rabbit saved by its owner (video)


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