Visigoths Spitz

Other names: Swedish Vallhund, Spitz des Visigoths, Västgötaspets, Swedish Vallhund

3.8 / 5
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The Visigothic Spitz is a small to medium sized dog. Although short on legs, it is characterized by a certain power. Its construction is somewhat reminiscent of a Corgi at the head of Spitz. The gaits of the Visigoths Spitz are characterized by remarkable amplitude and momentum.



Photo: Visigothic Spitz dog on Woopets
Hair type Half-long
Origin Sweden
Template Average
Head shape Triangular
Weight and size
Sex Weight Cut
Female From 9 kg to 14 kg From 29 cm to 33 cm
Male From 9 kg to 14 kg From 30 cm to 35 cm
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History of the breed

The Visigothic Spitz is a breed whose deep origins have not been pinpointed with precision , but whose recognition and development is credited to Count Björn von Rosen and Director Zetterstén , Sweden. It is possible that the Vikings brought subjects from England to Sweden.

Visigoths Spitz Pictures

Photo of Havanna, Visigothic SpitzPhoto by guismo, Visigothic Spitz

View all Visigoths Spitz photos from Woopets members

Physical features

His coat: hard in texture, medium length, tight and well laid. The outer coat is associated with a softer and particularly dense undercoat. The set gives the dog good protection against cold and bad weather.
Its color: gray, greyish brown, greyish yellow, yellow or even reddish brown, with possibly lighter shades on the muzzle, throat, chest, belly, feet and hocks.
His head: rather long, well defined and well proportioned in relation to the whole. The skull is almost flat, of moderate width, and its lines are parallel to those of the muzzle. The stop is well marked, the nose is black, the muzzle a little shorter than the skull, the lips well joined, the jaws powerful and articulated in scissors.
His ears: well erect, with pointed ends and of medium size.
His eyes: oval, dark brown in color, medium in size.
Its body: robust and writable in a rectangle, the length being much greater than the height at the withers. The neck is long, well muscled and free, the back horizontal, the loins short and powerful, the croup broad and moderately sloping, the chest long, oval in shape and well let down, the ribs arched, the belly slightly tucked in.
His tail: either long or naturally short. Reached in multiple ways, all ports being allowed.

Behavior and character

Barks / howls

Behavior with others

Cohabitation with children
Sociable with other animals
Love strangers

The Visigothic Spitz is a dog full of energy and liveliness. He has great courage and is particularly alert . Qualities which have made an excellent herding dog for a very long time. For the rest, the Visigoths Spitz displays a balanced and pleasant temperament. He enjoys work and activity, always showing enthusiasm for the task. At home, he is also naturally predisposed to guard , acting as a warning dog.

The Spitz of the Visigoths
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Intelligence, activity and the desire to please your master are valuable assets to exploit in the education of the Visigoths Spitz. He learns easily when he is encouraged , rewarded and feels useful. This also implies showing a minimum of firmness towards it, but excludes any form of brutality.

Living conditions

Suitable for apartment living
Good for new masters
Love it hot
Love the cold

The Visigothic Spitz adapts to a wide variety of living environments, but it prefers to enjoy a large fenced garden .


Ease of gaining weight

The Visigothic Spitz is a robust and resistant dog , enjoying a solid health . There is no predisposition to a particular disease in this breed.

Hypoallergenic breed


Litter size

Between 4 and 8 puppies

Major concerns
Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)
Minor concerns
Patella dislocation
Suggested tests

To protect yourself from these risks and insure your companion in the event of health problems, Woopets recommends a Visigoths Spitz dog insurance .

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Life expectancy

Minimum: 12 years old

Maximum: 14 years

The life expectancy of a Visigothic Spitz is, on average, between 12 years and 14 years.

Calculate the human age of your Visigothic Spitz!

To choose… 1 year 2 years 3 years Four years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years old 12 years 13 years 14 years old 15 years old 16 years old 17 years 18 years old 19 years old 20 years 21 years old

Maintenance and hygiene

Ease of maintenance
Cost of maintenance
Hair loss
Drool level
Ease of grooming

The Visigothic Spitz is a low maintenance dog, requiring only basic care. It is subject to 2 moults per year , usually occurring in autumn and spring and during which it can lose large amounts of hair.

It is recommended to brush the dog once or twice a week . During the moulting periods, it is necessary to brush it daily to rid its coat of dead hairs. The condition of his ears, eyes, pads and skin should be checked after each outing, especially in a natural environment (forest, countryside, mountains, sea, etc.) in order to prevent deposits of debris, parasites and infections.

Its claws should be cut off when they get too long. His teeth need to be brushed frequently in order to eliminate the build-up of tartar and the proliferation of bacteria.

Price and budget

Purchase price

800 €
1200 €

The purchase price of a Visigothic Spitz is between € 800 and € 1,200.

Annual maintenance cost

€ 350
650 €

The annual maintenance cost of a Visigothic Spitz is between 350 € and 650 €.

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The Visigothic Spitz needs a balanced diet , of quality and adapted to its level of physical activity, its size and its age. Its food can be divided into 2 meals per day .

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Physical activity

Energy level
Potential to play

The Visigothic Spitz is an active dog that must be able to benefit from long and frequent daily outings . He appreciates any form of activity and play in which he can indulge in the company of his master.


Classifications & Standards
(AKC) American Kennel Club
(ANKC) Australian National Council Kennel
(CKC) Canadian Kennel Club
(FCI) Fédération Cynologique Internationale
(KC) The Kennel Club
(NZKC) New Zealand Kennel Club
(UKC) United Kennel Club


Master character <span class="btnTooltip qTip2" title="- Calm: the master must be gentle and know how to show patience.
– Active: the owner must be energetic and dynamic to live in harmony with his dog.
– Hyperactive: the owner must be stimulating and very restless to suit the temperament of his dog.”>

We talk on the forum

My German Spitz bitch is expecting little ones!

Message from Bella08

A Japanese spitz is good for children from 10 to 12 years old

Guest message

Questions about the reproduction of the Spitz?

Message from Lisa Rea

Shepherd, spitz, Nordic dog: info, reviews, ideas

Guest message

Alopecia X dwarf spitz

Guest message

Do you have a question about the Visigoths Spitz?
Do not hesitate to ask Woopets visitors for advice on the forum!

FCI Information



FCI Group

Group 5: Spitz-type and primitive-type dogs

Recognized by FCI

Since 1954


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