Pregnant dog risks her life to try to save 4 residents in hospice fire

In Russia, a dog did not hesitate to put herself in danger to save the residents of a hospice, warning them of the fire that had broken out there. In doing so, she was severely burned in various parts of the body. Her act was all the more courageous since she was pregnant.

Matilda is a true heroine . This dog is now in a shelter and receives treatment for burns suffered during her intervention which saved the lives of 4 people . The latter reside in a private hospice located in the Leningrad region in northwestern Russia, reports the Daily Mail .

The establishment was engulfed in flames , but no one had noticed it except Matilda , whose master is the owner of the place. As soon as she noticed that something was going on, she started barking to alert the occupants.

This is how they were able to call the fire department , who arrived quickly and evacuated everyone just in time. Matilda , she was only rescued afterwards, by 2 volunteers : Elena Kalinina and Alexander Tsinkevich .

Meanwhile, the dog had inhaled large amounts of carbon monoxide and eventually lost consciousness . She was also burned .

Matilda being pregnant , she was seen by a specialist, who examined the fetuses and thus made sure that all were well . On the other hand, the bitch will not be able to breastfeed them , because her udders are also affected.

Read also: The crazy story of Ziggy, a Jack Russell Chihuahua cross stolen in Paris by a homeless man and found in Cannes!

In addition, its owner being hospitalized after the incident, he will not be able to recover it for a certain time.


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