A man hits his dog then tries to drown him, the police stop him!

Illustrative photo

In Grenoble, the police arrested a man, homeless, who had hit his dog several times before trying to drown him. The individual was under the influence of alcohol at the time of his arrest.

As reported by Le Dauphiné Libéré, a patrol of the Grenoble police arrested a man who abused his dog Sunday evening (September 1).

It is a first witness of the scene who alerted the police around 6 p.m. Arrived on the scene, men of the BST (Specialized Field Brigade) of Grenoble (38) quickly found the individual in question. The latter was homeless and was not alone; 2 other homeless people accompanied him and they also had dogs .

The suspect, aged 27, had struck his pet several times , then he tried to drown him in a body of water, in a park located on allée des Deux Mondes in the town of Isère.

The police therefore arrested him and realized that he was intoxicated . They also found that he was in possession of a Swiss Army Knife . In addition, another witness confirmed the reported facts.

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The source does not provide details of the dog’s state of health , or if it was placed in a reception facility after the assault or if it could be seen by a veterinarian .

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