A terrified stray dog’s long path to relearn to trust humans

A Londoner contacted animal welfare officers after spotting Dora in her garden. The stray little dog, in addition to being underweight, was terrified of humans.

After receiving a call from a resident, the agents did everything to get Dora back . But the animal did not make it easy for them. He was so scared that he didn’t stop fleeing. The team managed to catch him after just 2 weeks, Metro reveals.

The canine, very thin, was then placed in a refuge, far from the tumults of the city where he lived a life of misery.

The staff must have been extremely patient with Dora . The team members spent the first few days sitting quietly next to the frightened dog, getting her used to their presence.

The efforts of its benefactors have borne fruit. After several weeks of healing, Dora started wagging her tail as her healers approached her.

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The bitch worried at the slightest noise

Once Dora recovered, she was able to start going out into the yard. No one knows exactly what happened to him. It is evident, however, that she faced terrible trials. Even after weeks of rehabilitation, the bitch remained sensitive to loud noises. The rain falling on the roof of the shelter worried him as well.

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Either way, his guardian angels never let him down. And they deployed the heavy artillery: essential oils, soothing music, socializing sessions, and walks helped her relax and overcome her shyness.

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A new start

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To read also: A man creates and offers a refuge to more than 2000 disabled dogs and cats to offer them the necessary help and care!

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With a lot of patience, kindness and love, Dora is finally learning to trust men again. A new life, more serene and joyful, awaits him.


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