Take a dog on a trip to the mountains in winter

Illustration : "Voyager avec son chien à la montagne en hiver"

you’re going to the winter games. Do you want to know if you can take your dog? The answer is yes, as long as you are ready to make sure everything goes well. He will also like to roll, run, jump and even slide on the snow, and find beautiful scenery.

executive summary

is ready to spend the holiday in the mountains with his dog to protect his dog from the cold. In short, what should you bring? How does

travel in the mountains with dogs in winter? Your dog can accompany you through the winter vacation and enjoy the fun in the mountains. In order to ensure that the experiment is carried out under the best conditions, some preventive measures need to be taken. Here are our suggestions.

is ready to go down the mountain with his dog

. The first consideration is accommodation. This means finding a hotel, vacation rental or any other form of accommodation where dogs can be accepted. There are more and more dogs, so you must understand this before confirming your reservation.


can also consider understanding the spaces, services and activities that dogs can access. From the restaurant to hiking, to the ski lift.


are on site. Please follow the safety instructions, such as forbidding dogs on the ski track. Of course, when your limb partner needs it, pick it up behind him or her and keep the room clean. Before leaving, do a small search at the veterinary clinic and clinic nearest to where you live, and write down their contact information in case of need.

protects dogs from cold during holidays

“You also need to make sure your dog is effectively protected from the cold. If a variety comes from mountainous or cold areas, the problem is not so serious. These animals usually have good hair and inner hair, which makes them quite resistant to low temperature and humidity. Pyrenees mountain dog, Bergamo shepherd, Catalan shepherd, Briard, Siberian Husky, Alaskan malamut and Samoyed are among them Receive suggestions from woopets by registering for a newsletter. I register your email address collected by woopets, allowing you to receive our news and business offers. On the other hand, if your dog is a Chihuahua, Jack Russell Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier or Greyhound, you should provide good protection. There won’t be too many coats, boots or shoes for dogs.


are on the scene. They should systematically dry the clothes and skin of animals every time they go out. Do the same with feet and cushions, preferably rinse with warm water. The purpose of this is to remove salt residues and antifreeze on some surfaces.

should also be careful not to swallow snow, If not, he may suffer from digestive diseases.

when taking your dog to the mountains for vacation, please consider taking it with you:

also read: taking your dog to the seaside

his documents: health records, passport (if the destination is in another EU country) His coat and boots (if necessary) a first aid kit his usual accessories: belt (possibly belt), necklace and / or seat belt, muzzle, food and water, towel, basket, transport box and bag for collecting feces

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