A woman arrives at a shelter with the idea of adopting the saddest, loneliest dog. Moved, she leaves with two of them!

A mother and daughter wanted to adopt an elderly dog to allow him to live the last years of his life surrounded by love and in comfort. Finally, on their way to the shelter, they adopted 2.

Often, it is the older dogs who have the most difficulty being adopted from shelters . Yet these senior doggies have a lot of tenderness and wisdom to offer. They deserve as much as anyone else to have a family .

Sam and Brutus were just one of those quadrupeds who seemed doomed to end their old age in a refuge. Sam was first adopted before being brought back to the Asheville Humane Society center in North Carolina, where she then stayed for 6 months. As for Brutus , he had been abandoned and had to be euthanized , before landing at the same refuge. He had been waiting for his chance for 5 months, reports Animal Channel .

She and her daughter had recently lost their dog and wanted to give an elderly dog the family life they deserved. Upon learning the respective stories of Sam and Brutus , they decided to adopt them both .

Sam became Bella and Brutus , Bruno . They were given new names to start their new life .

Here is the report on them, published by the Inside Edition YouTube channel:

Read also: An association buys a farm and creates a sanctuary for dogs that nobody wants


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