Dog undergoes multiple skin transplants, tries to recover from intentional burns

Some animals are unfortunately victims of acts of cruelty… Buddy did not expect to find a malicious individual. The latter intentionally set fire to the animal, which luckily survived. He is now being treated at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Mississippi.

The Labrador Retriever was found in East Tate County on April 22. The poor dog not only had an extension cord wrapped around his neck, but his face on fire as well.

Still alive, he was returned to the expert hands of healers. Since this terrible incident, he has received numerous treatments and has undergone 2 skin grafts. To do this, the professionals used the skin of Atlantic cod.

© Tunica Humane Society

Intentionally burned dog is slowly recovering from injuries

With the support of his benefactors, Buddy is on the road to recovery, People reports. “ I don’t know how he got through that and kept his heart tender, but he did, ” said Sandy Williams , director of the Tunica Humane Society.

© Mississippi State University

Once the canine is completely healed, it will be offered for adoption. The shelter has already received dozens of requests. After having suffered so much, a bright future awaits the dog with a very gentle temperament.

© Tunica Humane Society

Justice for Buddy

But who could have committed such an act of abuse? Authorities reported that after offering a reward of more than $ 10,000 for further information, a 12-year-old confessed to his crime. Under state law, he cannot be prosecuted due to his young age.

Read also: Assistance dog changes the life of a man with dementia

© Tunica Humane Society


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