Brave Yorkshire Terrier takes on coyote to protect 10-year-old owner (video)

Although she is small in stature, Macy is a brave bitch. While walking with her 10-year-old owner in a neighborhood in Toronto (Canada), a coyote appeared. The wild animal chased the duo and faced Yorkshire.

Lily Kwan was quietly walking her dog when the incident happened. A coyote started chasing them. The girl ran to a neighbor’s house crying for help. In a rush, she let go of the leash. “ No one heard me. I saw this coyote trying to attack my dog so I rang and knocked on people’s doors , ” Lily Kwan told People .

But the female Yorkshire Terrier did not come out unscathed from this fight …

Yorkshire was seriously injured by the coyote

Macy was rushed to a veterinary clinic after the coyote wandered away. The latter injured her in the chest and a paw. Surgery was needed to save her.

© Dorothy Kwan

Dorothy Kwan appealed for donations to foot the very high bill. The goal of $ 10,000 (around € 8,500) has been greatly exceeded: the family has received more than $ 30,000 to date (around € 25,000)! Thanks to the generosity of strangers, the veterinary costs were paid.

As for Macy , she is released from intensive care and is resting at home. According to her owners, she is on the road to recovery.

© Dorothy Kwan

They will never forget the heroic act of their beloved 4-legged companion. Today, they are doing everything to treat her.

To read also: Abandoned by his masters for having broken his paw, this dog has found a foster family and can start his new life

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