Campaign They leave with us from Mars Petcare the balance sheet and the winning photos of the contest

Illustration : "Campagne  Ils partent avec nous  de Mars Petcare : le bilan et les photos lauréates du concours" Illustration photo

The 2021 edition of the campaign launched by Mars Petcare to combat the abandonment of pets during holiday departures has recently ended. The many participants in the photo contest, organized on the occasion of the operation They leave with us, sent thousands of beautiful shots, showing them accompanied by their dogs and cats on their holiday resort. It was not easy for the jury to decide between them.”

Last May, Mars Petcare kicked off her They Go with Us campaign, to raise awareness of the increasingly serious problem of abandoning pets when going on holiday. 8 out of 10 abandoned companions are, in fact, abandoned during the summer season.”

The initiative led by the company specializing in animal feed has existed for 36 years. The 2021 edition was structured around 2 operations:

The dissemination of free communication kits to municipalities and veterinary practices, offering complete information around responsible adoption and possession. Supports also offering practical advice to organize your pet’s holidays, transport, activities … A large photo contest, where participants were invited to send their pictures accompanied by their dogs and cats during their holidays. Holiday photos all more sublime than the others

For the jury and the public, it was not easy to choose the winning photos, as the shots are superb. They had to choose from more than 4,000 images revealing scenes full of tenderness, at the beach, in the mountains, in the countryside or in the city.”

Here are the winners of the jury:

3rd prize: © Jean-Christophe Laurent. Mars Petcare x Wipplay

2nd prize: © Emmadimuse, Kira. Mars Petcare x Wipplay

1st prize: © Grain de Lumiere, In pajamas on the beach with the dog. Mars Petcare x Wipplay

And those of the public:

3rd prize: © Alis.B, Travelling Cat. Mars Petcare x Wipplay

2nd prize: © Chevalier, Acrobat Cat. Mars Petcare x Wipplay

1st prize: © Pamouk, a weekend for two. Mars Petcare x Wipplay

Mars Petcare’s tips for a winning holiday return

Spending the holidays with your dog or cat is a great thing, but you also have to think about the aftermath. Back to school can, in fact, disturb the animal by changing its habits and its environment. Not to mention that he now spends less time with his master and his family.”

Read also: A host family spends 12 hours in the car to allow a stray dog to give birth away from the snowstorm

Re-establishing a daily routine allows her to better live this potentially stressful period. This involves, for example, taking walks and play sessions at a fixed time. It is also an opportunity for him to find his bearings in his neighborhood or, in case of moving, to discover his new living environment and meet people.”

Taking your pet to work, if the employer allows it, would also help him make this transition smoothly. If necessary, finding a suitable guard solution, such as pet-sitting, would be just as beneficial by preventing the dog or cat from feeling lonely.”

Back to school is also the ideal time for a check-up at the vet, or even to adopt a new companion after making sure you are able to take on such a responsibility.”

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