Canikros, France

Illustration : "Le canicross en France "

canicross has more and more followers in France and around the world. This sport is actually a combination of dogs and people in running, which is good for both owners and dogs. We recommend that you find out the main information about its practice in hexagon.


official Federation abides by some rules of appropriate materials and makes a significant contribution to the health of dogs. Some figures in France are summarized as an official Federation

Canicross is a subject that can be practiced anywhere in France, whether free or in competitions organized by

(dog centers all over the country). Canine sports and leisure Federation (FSLC).

FSLC has a website where you can find all the basic information about sports (not just canines), competition schedule and all results. Dogs in the competition are open to all dogs that meet the following criteria:

your dog must be over one year old. Your dog shouldn’t belong to the first category. Inside, we found attack dogs, namely Staffordshire Terrier, mastiff and Tosa. In addition, persons with one of these races must have a detention permit. Dogs must always run in front of their owners. He must not pull his companions. The dog’s vaccine must be up to date.

in addition, you are a runner and must not wear pointed shoes found on track and field tracks. This may harm your pet.

appropriate material

material is not only valid in France, but also mandatory. You must carry it with you:

receives suggestions from woopets by registering for my newsletter. Your email address is collected by woopets so that you can receive our news and business offers. Learn more about shoulder straps or belts. Tie a leash around your dog. A two meter long line can connect your dog with you. Dog health protection

dog is a subject with high physical and physiological requirements. Your dog must be fit for practice. The veterinarian agrees that the veterinarian must be consulted before starting. In fact, not all breeds are suitable for dogs.

on the other hand, you must pay constant attention to your dog before, during and after the race. Pay attention to any signs of fatigue, which may also indicate dehydration.

an obvious

input. Humans will consume themselves and feel as good as good walking. On the other hand, dogs are less likely to become obese or develop some form of obesity. Sports activities are also conducive to the whole joint and overall health. In addition, canines strengthen the connection between dogs and their owners. It also makes it easier for him to socialize and learn new commands, such as direction.

some French figures

although canicross is a democratizing discipline, there are still few practitioners of official statistics. In 2017, this figure was slightly higher than 1500. They have now run more than 2300 races for FSLC, which has more than 100 clubs.


have also read: what can dogs train canines eat?


races have multiple distances, but they are usually between 6 and 10 kilometers. Children over the age of 7 and children under the age of 7 also have canines.Y.

in short, more than 2000 people practice canines in France. Discipline tends to democratize. Its accessibility is an important asset because it is practiced for entertainment, not just in competition. Just follow certain rules set by the dog sports and entertainment Federation

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