Canine vascular disease


vascular hemophilia, also known as vascular hemophilia, is a common hereditary coagulation disorder in humans and dogs. Only a small number of patients have serious problems. Most of the affected dogs lived normally with occasional bleeding. Some factors, such as stress, may aggravate the onset of bleeding.

in the rest of this article, we will explore the clinical interpretation, symptoms and long-term management of this disease.

what is Willebrand disease?

Willebrand disease is a hereditary hemorrhagic disease caused by abnormal Willebrand factor (defect or dysfunction). This factor, also known as VWF, is a blood protein that participates in the initial stage of normal blood coagulation. It helps platelets gather on the wound and seals the wound by forming fibrin, a substance that forms a cell network. Without this factor, blood coagulation time is longer and bleeding time is longer.

Willebrand disease is a genetic disease and is not infectious. It has three forms or types:

type 1: this form is the most common and the least serious. It is characterized by a lack of vWF. Its severity depends on the breed of dog. It is mainly described as German shepherd, poodle, Doberman, golden retriever, Manchester Terrier and dwarf sauzer. Type 2: this form also has the characteristics of vWF deficiency, but it is more serious than the first form and has no response to drug treatment. It is only described in the pointer. Type 3: This is the most serious and least common form. It is characterized by the complete absence of vWF. It is described as a Shetland shepherd, Chesapeake Bay hound, drathar, Dutch hound and Scottish Terrier.? The clinical symptoms of

Willebrand disease are quite limited, manifested as trauma or long-term bleeding after operation. The most common symptoms are bleeding in the nose or gums of

, bleeding for a long time after hot or delivery, bleeding when the baby dog’s deciduous teeth fall off from feces or excrete from urine, and excessive bleeding during

operation Dogs with Willebrand disease can stay asymptomatic for several years.

diagnosis and treatment

has several tests that can guide the diagnosis of this disease. Measuring bleeding time is not unique to Willebrand’s disease, because the prolongation of bleeding time may be the cause of another disease, but it helps to guide the diagnosis. The disease can be accurately diagnosed by detecting von Willebrand factor antigen.

gene detection is suitable for susceptible varieties. This is a collection of mucosal samples and must be handed over to the gene laboratory soon. Otherwise, it must be frozen to maintain operability until received in the laboratory. This test can detect dogs with pathogenic gene defects to determine whether the tested dogs are at risk of disease. Therefore, breeders from susceptible breeds do not recommend breeding dogs with pathological genes.


are incurable, but they can manage themselves. When acute attacks such as trauma lead to excessive bleeding, blood transfusion is sometimes needed to compensate for blood loss. In the long run, there is no treatment at present, which needs careful observationE. respond quickly to accidents or trauma and avoid situations that may lead to accidents or trauma.

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