Discovered alone in a forest, this senior dog was adopted thanks to 30 Million Amis

Thanks to the Operation Doyens of the 30 Million Friends Foundation, Doudou, an elderly dog abandoned in the woods, ended up finding the perfect family.

Operation Doyens , launched by the 30 Million Friends Foundation , aims to facilitate the adoption of senior dogs . Indeed, these elderly animals are unfortunately among those who are least likely to find a family when they live in shelters . People often prefer younger dogs. Doudou the Beagle is one of the recent beneficiaries of this great initiative.

At the height of his 11 years, this old briscard had nevertheless known a sad turning point in his life; they had simply abandoned him in the forest . Fortunately, someone realized this in time and the dog was immediately taken care of by a shelter in Verdun , in the Meuse.

The adoption was formalized last February. On the return trip, Evelyne’s nephew, who was accompanying her, placed the dog on his knees and the latter rested his head on those of the adopter. A scene that she will never forget and that reinforced her conviction that she had just made one of the best decisions of her life .

In his new home, Doudou has integrated perfectly into his family. The understanding with Missou , Evelyne’s cat , and her nephew’s dog is perfect.

Read also: A mischievous and disobedient dog becomes the sweetest and most devoted big brother

Congratulations to the 30 Millions d’Amis Foundation for this new success of Operation Doyens.


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