Dog gets lost and travels 160 km to find her adopted family

Pregnant dog, but wandering the streets of an Argentinian town, Negrita was heading for a delicate birth. It was not, thanks to a couple who decided to take her home. After being restored to good health, after giving birth, the bitch and her puppies could be adopted. Finally… not without a detour of 160 km for a Negrita for whom nothing seems easy.

Negrita’s story could turn into a children’s tale . Sadness , first. A rebirth , then. A happy ending, finally. Negrita , a stray dog in the streets of Rivadavia, Argentina, could never have hoped for a better outcome for her, but also for all of her young.

A peaceful childbirth

A few days ago, as We Love Animals tells it, an Argentinian couple crossed by chance the path of this bitch in the arteries of the South American city. An emaciated animal, certainly undernourished . An animal that however had a slightly larger belly . Because inside were future puppies , still in the creation phase. Negrita landed, slowly, on rough ground that had become familiar to her.

The couple felt sorry . Such sadness that forced him to act for the well-being of this bitch and her future litter . So he took her home. The man and the woman brought a saving aid to a Negrita who did not ask for time. Food, water , and a lot of love that allowed the bitch to give birth , in total serenity, to her little puppies.

Negrita gets lost on the road to her new family

All that remained was to find several families for them . Despite their immeasurable love for these beings, the 2 lovers had no place to keep them. And since luck seemed to be on their side, they had no trouble getting them adopted . But Negrita , on the way leading her to her new family , found a way to get lost … No trace of her!

Read also: Violently attacked with a machete in 2012, this dog with a mutilated face never thought of finding a family (video)

News which will, fortunately, very quickly become good . Because, as incredible as it may seem, Negrita had managed to find the path leading her to the landing of her rescuers ! The couple saw, one fine day, a dog staring at him from outside. Negrita had walked 160 km to get back to where it all began. And where it all ends. Because the couple, seeing a sign of fate, decided to adopt and pamper her forever. She deserved no less.


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