Dog receives stab wounds to the head while trying to protect his owner on a walk

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In the streets of downtown Saint-Étienne , Saturday, November 16, an assault brought down a young thirty-something who was walking his dog. The latter tried to defend his owner, but was stabbed. His days would not be in danger.

This little dog had asked for nothing. He was walking quietly in the company of his master, this Saturday, November 16 in the streets of Saint-Étienne . Then, arriving at Dorian Square, in the city center of the capital of the Greens, the duo were attacked by a 20-year-old.

The doggie, kept on a leash by his master, an Iraqi in his thirties, first saw his owner hit several punches , according to our colleagues from Progress. What to make him fall to the ground . The assailant continued to torture the walker.

The dog retorts, but gets stabbed!

But his canine did not need to be asked to reply . Unfortunately, he was injured in the head by stab wounds . His days would not be in danger. Neither did his master. Moreover, he managed to dodge the stab wounds, just before the police arrived on the scene.

Read also: A woman films the touching reaction of an adopted dog who discovers a cushion for the first time in his life

The perpetrator was arrested and taken into police custody . His motivations remain unknown as to this aggression which seems to have originated in a dispute between the 2 men. He was released and will appear in court on May 6.

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