Dog transport cage

Illustration : "La cage de transport du chien"

transport cages are useful in many ways, if not essential, when you have a medium or large dog. It is carefully selected to ensure the comfort and safety of animals on the journey. What are the main criteria for selecting the best mode? How to avoid or reduce the pressure of the dog in the cage?

for long-distance travel and veterinary examination, dog transport cages must be used in some cases. It ensures the safety of animals and other animals. What is the main purpose of the dog cage, what criteria should be followed when selecting a model suitable for the dog, and how to familiarize the dog with it? Here are some tips to help you answer these questions.

dog transport cage: what can it do?

as its name implies, the transport cage of dogs is mainly used to fix and fix dogs, whether in cars, trains or planes. It is mainly suitable for medium or large dogs. For a puppy, you can turn to the transport box.


are placed in the cage. In sudden and sudden operations (braking, accident, etc.), the risk of the dog being projected is small. It is also protected from impact (e.g. object projection) and will not be able to hurt anyone if it is aggressive for various reasons (trauma, stress, destructive behavior, etc.). Therefore, for the safety of himself and surrounding individuals or animals, he is kept in a cage during travel.

in some cases, the dog owner may also be required to keep the dog in a cage when taking the dog to the veterinarian. This is necessary when you can’t fully guarantee that your pet won’t hurt others in the office. But on the other hand, if he is particularly anxious, it can also reassure him in the cage.

receives suggestions from woopets by registering a newsletter. I register your email address collected by woopets so that you can receive our news and business offers. Learn more about the main criteria for selecting the best possible

model. Obviously, there are size among the main criteria to be considered when selecting a cage model for dogs. The cage must be large enough to allow the animal to rise and turn over, but small enough to prevent the animal from shaking in any direction. In general, it is recommended that the size of the cage be about 1.5 times that of a dog.

Another major criterion is the material used to make the model. For large dogs, we prefer metal cages, which are composed of fences and have no roof. The plastic model, usually a wall frame with an opening, is more suitable for smaller dogs and is called a transport box rather than a cage; Light weight (not at the expense of robustness), transportability and ease of cleaning will also vary in selection.

finally, there are several types of locks: latch (in accordance with IATA standards), sliding lock, Through clips or rivets. How does

avoid or reduce dog pressureN in the cage? The earlier the

dog comes into contact with the transport cage, the faster it gets used to the transport cage and shows calm behavior when it needs to be placed.


also read: take the dog to the seaside


. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the cage is related to the positive things in the dog’s mind. For example, you can put your toys or candy in it and keep the door open so that you can go in and out freely. Closing her as soon as she enters will only cause trauma and make it impossible for her to live peacefully in the future journey. “

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