Disappearance of Jean-Paul Belmondo: his little dog Yorkshire had sensed that one of his stunts was going to end badly

Michel Picard / YouTube

10 years ago, Jean-Paul Belmondo told how his dog Maya had sensed the danger as the recently deceased actor was about to perform a stunt. An episode that had only accentuated his well-known love and admiration for animals.”

It is often said that dogs are able to feel things long before they occur. The story of Maya, Jean-Paul Belmondo’s dog, is a perfect illustration of this. It is reported by Télé-Loisirs this Tuesday, September 7.”

The inimitable Bébel passed away on September 6 at the age of 88. The sacred monster of French cinema had marked generations of moviegoers by starring in cult films such as The Professional, The Breaker, The Magnificent, The Ace of Aces, The Man of Rio, A Man and His Dog or Fear on the City.”

Screenshot – trailer “A Man and His Dog” / YouTube

Jean-Paul Belmondo was also known for his love for animals, especially dogs. In an interview with journalist Patrick Simonin in 2001, he reflected on this important aspect of his life and the place his canine friends had occupied since childhood. I was always raised in the middle of animals, recalled the actor, who explained that, in his youth, his mother had cats and he had dogs.”

With the latter, he had lived real love stories, in his words. The ties that united him to Maya, a female Yorkshire Terrier who died a year before this issue of La Grande Interview on TV5, were particularly strong. Their relationship was so intense that one day, when the native of Neuilly-sur-Seine was preparing to perform one of his countless stunts during a shoot, Maya had stood out for her quite unusual attitude.”

“I have never bought a dog. A dog is like a friend, it can’t be bought” #Belmondo excerpt from #LaGrandeInterview on tv5monde #Hommage pic.twitter.com/C1Qz8ZNEey

Read also: A man builds a bed on wheels to his aging dog so that he can enjoy his last days

— Patrick Simonin (PatrickSimonin) September 7, 2021 She started biting me, barking… Two minutes later, I fell

The was very agitated, as if she was trying to warn her master that he was going straight for disaster. I went under the plane, and I put on my protections, and she started biting me, barking… , detailed Jean-Paul Belmondo. I asked him, ‘But what do you have?? […] Two minutes later, I fell?!”

The accident had caused him to be hospitalized and wear a cast for many months. At the hospital, the doctor had made an exception by letting Maya enter her landlord’s room. There, and while she had not stopped barking since the incident, the dog had immediately fallen silent and calmed down when she saw him again.”

You know, the love of a dog, it’s something fantastic?! he concluded.”

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