Elisa Pilarski case: Christophe Ellul’s disturbing text message about Curtis’ involvement

Elisa Pilarski Support Page / Facebook

Elisa Pilarski’s uncle revealed a new element at the end of the confrontation that took place on Monday. Christophe Ellul allegedly sent his niece a text message that, according to the family, would irrefutably prove that Curtis was behind the death.”

As announced in early March, Christophe Ellul was indicted for manslaughter after the incident that claimed the life of Elisa Pilarski. The body of the 29-year-old woman, pregnant, had been found dead by the person concerned in the forest of Retz, in the Aisne, in November 2019.”

Death which, according to the autopsy report, was the result of canine bites. Injuries attributed to Curtis, one of the couple’s dogs, who accompanied Elisa Pilarski that day.”

An SMS where Christophe Ellul expresses his intention to sting Curtis

The victim had called him for help at 13:19. 26 minutes later, when Christophe Ellul was on his way to join her, he allegedly sent her a text message with the following words: I make him sting.”

This is what Vincent Labastarde, uncle of Elisa Pilarski, said after the confrontation that took place on Monday between the family of the victim and Christophe Ellul, reports The Republic of the Pyrenees. A session that was held at the judicial court of Soissons.”

” Irrefutable evidence for Elisa Pilarski’s uncle

For Mr. Labastarde, the words of Curtis’ owner would be equivalent to the recognition, on his part, that his dog is at the origin of the death of the victim. Faced with this irrefutable evidence, Christophe Ellul refused to participate in the manifestation of the truth and is in denial, continued the man reading his letter.

He was keen to recall that the victims are Elisa and the baby and not Curtis, before asking Mr. Ellul to stop manipulating justice.”

Read also: A dog escapes after an accident. Its owner, devastated, regains hope thanks to an unknown

Moreover, still according to The Republic of the Pyrenees, the analysis of Elisa Pilarski’s smartphone would have made it possible to discover about twenty photos showing Elisa Pilarski walking Curtis on a leash, but without a muzzle.”

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