Every weekend, this pilot transports dogs from shelters to save them from euthanasia

Julian Javor devotes his free time to dogs coming from shelters practicing euthanasia. He voluntarily transports them by plane to their new homes.

From Monday to Friday, Julian Javor works in construction and real estate . But on weekends , he takes control of his twin-engine Cessna 414 to transport dogs to reach their new shelters , foster families or adoptive families. These animals all come from structures where they risked being euthanized . Julian Javor comes to their aid on a voluntary basis .

He had obtained his commercial pilot license in September 2017 and was piloting a Los Angeles- based single -engine rental. Soon after, he joined Pilot N Paws , a network of pilots transporting dogs by air . He then obtained his twin-engine qualification and bought his current aircraft, allowing him to take more animals with each flight, but also to fly greater distances .

Its longest journey was over a thousand km , between California and El Paso in the state of Texas. He was then carrying Spike , a Poodle who had fled on July 4, 2018 because of the fireworks fired on the occasion of the national holiday. He was found 1 year later in Stockton , California, thanks to his identification chip . The RSQ209 association had contacted Julian Javor to ask him if he would welcome Spike aboard his plane to bring him back to his family . What he obviously accepted without hesitation. He was thus in the front row to attend the reunion .

Another of his major flights is the one in which he reached Phoenix , Arizona, to transport 2 German Shepherds who were also in danger of being euthanized. One of them, Artie , had a leg amputated after being hit by a car .

The other is called Maverick . Both were taken care of by the Saving Paws Rescue Arizona association upon their arrival.

Julian Javor also adopted one of his many 4-legged passengers. She is, in fact, a bitch and her name is Shadow . She was part of a group of 9 canines and 4 cats embarked by Javor during a long journey on 8 stages through California. While all of the animals were intimidated by the plane trip, Shadow showed off his totally outgoing personality.

Read also: Chained in a yard for 8 years, this dog discovers for the first time in his life the comfort of a bed

The dog, who had been taken from the streets of Fresno , was not in good health, however; she was very thin and suffered from pneumonia . The pilot had literally fallen under her spell , so much so that he called the association which was to pick it up on arrival to ask if he could keep it. This is how he became Shadow’s daddy.


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