Adopt a dog from the SPA

The Society for the Protection of Animals (SPA) has several dozen shelters across France. These reception facilities are home to a large number of dogs abandoned for various reasons but all of which deserve to be adopted. What data should be included in your adoption decision and how to proceed?

Adopting a dog from a shelter is a noble gesture and involves an important part of the responsibility. It is a new member that you are about to welcome into your family. The act of adoption must therefore be carefully considered . The SPA always insists on this point, because it cares greatly for the well-being and the future of its former residents with their new families.

Go beyond clichés

We sometimes tend to think that all dogs in shelters are problem animals or aggressive . This is unfortunately the case for some of them, which does not however make them fundamentally bad dogs, but many others have been abandoned for reasons that go beyond them: death of the owners, families who can no longer provide for the needs of dogs, moves, vacations (the number of abandonments increases noticeably when they approach), divorces, etc.

For the most part, the residents of the SPA shelters are adorable beings. The people who work in these structures take care to offer them a minimum of well-being by feeding them, looking after them and walking them as far as possible. Despite their laudable efforts, nothing beats the warmth of a home and the affection of a family.

Know before making your decision

During your visit to the SPA refuge, you may very well fall in love with a particular dog. While it’s true that physical appearance and the first glance count to some extent, they shouldn’t alone determine your final choice.

Above all, make sure that the dog’s character and habits are compatible with your lifestyle and abilities. To do this, do not hesitate to discuss at length with the staff of the refuge. Ask for as much information as possible about the dog’s personality , background, behavior, any traumatic experiences, the environment he lived in, and his specific needs .

Try to make your visit with family members so that everyone can come in contact with the dog and participate in the decision. And when we talk about family, we also include other dogs if you have any. It is important that they too can meet him.

Finally, remember that having a dog in the house comes at a cost. The expenses related to food, maintenance, veterinary follow-up and any adjustments constitute a budget that you will have to foresee according to the size and the needs of the animal.

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At home

You have made your choice, the happy doggie is about to live a new life within your family and you are delighted to welcome him. Arriving home is always a moment of emotion and joy, but we must not forget that it is a big change for the dog too. It will take a while for him to get used to his new surroundings. There could be a few snags the first few days, such as cleaning accidents for example. Be patient with your new friend, eventually everything will stabilize.

The dog may have suffered trauma in the past and be distant. Give her time to learn to trust again. Little by little, your bonds will be strengthened thanks to your benevolence.
A SPA visit to your home is usually scheduled sometime after adoption to ensure that the experience is a positive one for you and for the dog.

The gift for adoption

Adopting a dog from the SPA is not free. The organization faces significant expenses related to the maintenance of its residents and therefore asks candidates to pay a contribution when they come to adopt. This donation has nothing to do with the financial value of the animal. It includes the costs of identification (microchip), deworming and sterilization and vaccines (distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, leptospirosis, kennel cough), as well as free medical follow-up within 8 days of adoption by a VPT (Vétérinaires Pour Tous) veterinarian.

The amount of the donation is around 150 € for a dog and 200 € for a puppy less than 6 months old.

Read also: Adopt a dog from a private individual

The supporting documents requested by the SPA

During the adoption process with the SPA , the latter requires an identity document, an original proof of address of less than 3 months, the last proof of income (payslip, K.bis extract or for persons not working a tax notice, Assedic, invalidity …) and an information sheet to fill out.

The SPA may decide not to grant a candidate the authorization to adopt a dog if it considers that it will not be able to take care of it properly. Another bad experience for the dog can only affect him more. </p

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