Find out why this petfood brand has decided to donate 1% of its turnover to animals in need

Illustration : "Découvrez pourquoi cette marque de petfood a décidé de reverser 1 % de son chiffre d'affaires aux animaux dans le besoin" © The Dog Care Clinic in Sri Lanka

Animal shelters and veterinary care centers are in great need of support to be able to continue their essential work. In some countries experiencing economic difficulties, the health crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic has only aggravated the situation. The action of structures dedicated to animals, especially stray dogs and cats in distress, has been made even more difficult.”

To help dogs and cats in difficulty, as well as the structures that welcome, care for and shelter them. Work for the well-being of animals all over the world. Contribute to raising public awareness of animal rights and respect. These are the missions that the Edgard & Cooper Foundation has set itself.”

” The Edgard & Cooper Foundation: an ongoing commitment to charitable projects for animal welfare

The Edgard & Cooper Foundation was created by the company of the same name. Its raison d’être is its commitment to animal welfare.”

As such, it takes part, all over the world, in projects that it considers to be in line with its principles, values and objectives.”

” The achievements of the Edgard & Cooper Foundation

The Edgard & Cooper Foundation is at the service of shelters and establishments that work to improve the well-being, health and living conditions of stray dogs and cats. It thus supports sterilization, care, accommodation, feeding, vaccination and placement actions (foster families, adoptions, etc.).”

This is precisely what she is doing in favor of The Dog Care Clinic, a veterinary clinic located in Unawatuna, a city in southern Sri Lanka. This structure welcomes, cares for and sterilizes stray dogs. It was founded and is managed by Marina Möbus, who came from Germany and is an animal lover.”

The action of the Dog Care Clinic is of prime importance in a country where it is estimated that 3 million canids live on their own in the streets. A problem as much for the dogs themselves, who suffer from diseases, hunger, accidents and acts of cruelty, as for public health. Sri Lanka is, in fact, the country with the most stray dogs per capita, hence the increased risk of developing zoonoses (diseases or infections transmissible from animals to humans)

Facilities modernized to ensure better quality care

In 2017, the company Edgard & Cooper financed the establishment of an intensive care and post-operative care unit within this veterinary clinic. The facility includes heat lamps for sick newborn puppies. Thanks to this equipment, more than 450 dogs are rescued each year. 6,000 euros have been committed to this work.”

The following year, she supported, through a donation of 29,210 euros, the installation of a new kitchen in the clinic, allowing the staff to prepare 1500 meals a day in optimal conditions. The remaining funds were spent on the creation of a new laundry room and a space dedicated to the storage of medicines.”

In 2019, through a donation of more than 64,000 euros, Edgard & Cooper financed the modernization of the entire veterinary clinic and its equipment: operating rooms, beds, rooms for families, etc.”

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In total, it is nearly 100 000 € of donations given to the Dog Care Clinic in Sri Lanka. Thanks to this help and the improvements made, the clinic is now able to treat 2000 dogs and sterilize 9000 each year.” Kdspe”

This is the first major project to be put to the credit of the Edgard & Cooper Foundation which, although independent of the company, continues the work in which the latter had been engaged for several years. Other partnerships will follow very soon…

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