How to start canines?

Illustration : "Comment bien débuter le canicross ?" illustrated photo

ready for a big jump and a big start? Have you thought of everything? Canines are not a sport that can be despised. For you, for your dog, this is expected. Whether psychologically, physically or through the purchase of necessary equipment. Elements required to meet regulatory and safety requirements.


when does it start? On which surface are canines freely taught? What kind of equipment do you need to adapt to your dog’s rhythm? In short, since when do you need to see a veterinarian? Kdsps has two options. Start your dog at 10 months old and race in a very gentle way, or wait until its growth is over and muscle tissue appears in adulthood. In the first case, it may be a good way to familiarize him with the correct materials, including the seat belt he wears every time. In this case, avoid long exits. Choose short distance (less than one kilometer) and medium speed.

in the second case, your dog will show adult muscles. The distance can be a little longer. However, on your first run, you must focus on increasing your speed in a gradual manner. Training should be gradual.

teaches canine

for free from the beginning. Should your dog wear a seat belt when going out for the first time? This question is worth raising. You can, just as you can start training freely. In other words, there are no ties, no lines. Of course, in the absence of any traffic, whether in the wild or in the wild, the freedom of


will allow you to adjust your gait to suit your dog. He will find himself more free to act without slowing down. He will also learn how to position himself, even if it is more difficult to learn commands. However, do not hesitate to teach him basic commands, or repeat these commands and quickly add direction commands. Pointing your finger in the direction you want and saying it out loud can help you increase your chances of getting there quickly, even if you have to wear a belt or seat belt. On which surface is the


competition is mainly carried out in trails, footpaths and forests, rarely on rough gravel. However, gravel can be used in a short distance (it should not be used when the sun shines on the ground too hot to prevent cushion burns).


are usually used to find the right balance. You must not train only on the surface. In the city, it is difficult to find a large enough green space to practice this subject. However, you must find a park with grass, green and steep paths to make your dog accustomed to evolution on all surfaces.

essential equipment

the equipment required to practice canines has three parts:

Receive suggestions from woopets by registering for a newsletter. I register your email address collected by woopets, allowing you to receive our news and business offers. Learn more about your canicros belt or seat belt around your waist (recommended). There are many such things in business. The traction harness of the collar will be replaced. He will strangle him because he reminds you that your dog must always be in front of you. Some large area harnesses are not suitable. Watch it. He must marry your dog and must resist.New Taiwan dollars. In fact, seat belts should not interfere with your dog. Characteristic line with shock absorber.

has this essential equipment. Don’t forget to bring good sneakers so that you can run farther. For night or early morning outings, you can also invest in a headlight.

adjusts its rhythm to the dog’s rhythm

. If your pet shows signs of fatigue, stop the daytime outing immediately. You have to listen to your dog, its feelings, it wants to go out. If he doesn’t want to run, don’t force him to run. Once you start running, you must respect his running speed and adjust your running speed according to his stride.

finally, try to give your dog a proper rest time between runs to recover.

is a proper diet?

is not mandatory. Consider feeding your dog high-quality biscuits so that he can get all the basic nutrients he needs for development. In fact, despite physical activity, there is no need to increase the daily dose. In any case, you must see a veterinarian before the first treatment. The latter will conduct a thorough examination of your dog and determine whether it is suitable to start. You can also see a doctor. Especially if you haven’t exercised for some time,


have also read: canicross

in France is summarized as

. Disciplines like canicross are being prepared. Before you start, you need to consider many things:

buys a complete device. See a vet and a doctor. Start moderately in about 10 months, or wait until your dog is muscular as an adult. Change your route to avoid boring your dog. In addition, at the end of each class, don’t hesitate to hug him and congratulate him. The first free trip, without seat belts or lines, makes your dog accustomed to evolution, running and learning commands. You must adapt to your dog’s rhythm, not the opposite

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