Dog owner banned from rescue center for bringing back a puppy, as he was not “following with the couch”

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Across the Channel, a shelter recently banned a person who brought back the dog she had adopted there, invoking a pretext that scandalized the volunteers. According to her, the animal was not going with her sofa. More generally, the establishment deplores a return rate of 10%.”

At battersea Dogs and Cats Home, an animal shelter located in London, one in 10 adopted dogs is brought back there later, says its former director Claire Horton. The latter explains that many people who adopted during the lockdown end up separating from their new companions for various reasons.”

The health crisis has been accompanied by a significant increase in the demand for dogs and cats at shelters, but also on the Internet. This has given rise to excesses: animals raised and sold in poor conditions, scams, thefts, etc.”

People found themselves with more free time, so they decided to adopt because the animal could help them feel less alone and structure their days. But some realized that they were not quite ready to take responsibility for it on various levels: financial, education, availability…

Dogs were returned to the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home following a divorce or separation, others for their cost (food, veterinary expenses …) or because they had urinated on the carpet or chewed objects.”

The dog has found another family, his former banned master

Claire Horton also evokes the case of a person who provided an even more surprising pretext, and who did not fail to shock the shelter team. She chose to part with a dog she had adopted there because he was not going with the sofa, reports the Liverpool Echo.

Read also: A volunteer welcomes and trains a dog to detect diseases to save lives

The animal was, fortunately, adopted by another family afterwards. As for his former owner, he/she has been permanently banned from the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home.”

Claire Horton reminds us that all a dog or cat expects is love. And what you will receive in return is unconditional loyalty and love forever.”

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