King Charles Spaniel

Other names: King Charles Spaniel, English toy Spaniel

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The King Charles Spaniel is a dog with a cob type physique, to use a term specific to horse riding: he is stocky and small in size. Refined and elegant in appearance, it is smaller than its cousin, the Cavalier King Charles. It is also rarer. The silhouette of the King Charles Spaniel can be inscribed in a square.



Photo: King Charles Spaniel breed dog on Woopets
Hair type Long
Origin Britain
Template Small
Head shape Round
Weight and size
Sex Weight Cut
Female From 3 kg to 6 kg From 25 cm to 34 cm
Male From 3 kg to 6 kg From 25 cm to 34 cm
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History of the breed

The King Charles Spaniel has been cited as early as the 16th century in documents dating from this time. Over the next century, breeders selected small individuals to produce a variety of spaniels with reduced dimensions. Being part of the same family as the Cavalier King Charles, he is named King Charles Spaniel in reference to King Charles II who particularly appreciated this type of dog.

Originally, it was used as a hunting and companion dog by the wealthiest families. The King Charles Spaniel has been crossed with various orient dogs to achieve current standards, including the Japanese Spaniel. The King Charles Spaniel breed was definitively accepted by the FCI on January 3, 1955. The current standard for the breed dates from October 13, 2010.

King Charles Spaniel Pictures

Photo of Félicie, King Charles SpanielPhoto of Summer and Lover, King Charles SpanielPhoto of Kitto, King Charles SpanielPhoto of Athena, King Charles SpanielPhoto of Snopy, King Charles SpanielPhoto of Onedot, King Charles Spaniel

See all photos of King Charles Spaniel from Woopets members

Physical features

His hair: silky, long and straight, can however be slightly wavy, but not too much. Never buckled. The dog wears abundant fringes on the ears, tail and paws.
Its color: intense black and shiny tan, tricolor (pearl white background, black spots and shiny tan spots), Blenheim (pearl white background and well distributed chestnut red markings) or Ruby (single color, intense chestnut red).
His head: domed, large compared to the size of the dog. The stop is well marked between the skull and the nose.
His ears: very long, covered with abundant fringes, set low and hanging flat against the cheeks.
His eyes: large, dark, wide apart and with a pleasant expression.
His body: stocky, writable in a square, with the short and straight back, the large chest and well let down.
Its tail: well fringed and not carried on the back if cut. Well fringed and proportionate to the rest of the body if not cut.

Behavior and character

Barks / howls

Behavior with others

Cohabitation with children
Sociable with other animals
Love strangers

The King Charles Spaniel is a pleasure spaniel with a cheerful, gentle and affectionate character. He is calmer than the Cavalier King Charles and is quite reserved, even if he is very attached to his master and his family. However, his reserve does not make him an aggressive animal towards strangers. Intelligent and playful, the King Charles Spaniel enjoys the company of children. He appreciates hugs and signs of affection in general. It is no coincidence that it is often compared to a cat.

His flair, his hearing and his intelligence make him a dog not only pleasant to live in, but also relatively easy to train. Notifying him of the limits not to cross and offering him a good socialization are enough to make him an excellent companion in life. The King Charles Spaniel is fond of the game: take advantage of this character trait to perfect his education and strengthen your bonds.

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Living conditions

Suitable for apartment living
Good for new masters
Love it hot
Love the cold

The King Charles Spaniel is primarily an indoor dog. However, he is fond of outdoor activities because of his primary vocation as a hunting dog. Apartment and city life suit him perfectly as long as he is regularly walked around and maintained in good health.


Ease of gaining weight

On the health side, the King Charles Spaniel should be monitored for the eyes, ears, respiratory system and heart. Like the Cavalier King Charles, he is likely to suffer from microphthalmia which may be associated with cataracts. He may also have problems with irritation in the ears and difficulty breathing and / or heart. Finally, be aware that giving birth can be tricky in the female.

Hypoallergenic breed


Litter size


To protect yourself from these risks and insure your companion in the event of health problems, Woopets recommends King Charles Spaniel dog insurance .

function showAssuranceForm () {var siteReferer = var id_race_association = ‘189’; //console.log(id_race_association);success: function (html) {}});}document.addEventListener (‘DOMContentLoaded’, () => {$ (‘# assuranceModalBanner’). on (‘’, function (event) {showAssuranceForm ();});});

Life expectancy

The life expectancy of a King Charles Spaniel is, on average, less than 0 years.

Calculate the human age of your King Charles Spaniel!

To choose… 1 year 2 years 3 years Four years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years old 12 years 13 years 14 years old 15 years old 16 years old 17 years 18 years old 19 years old 20 years 21 years old

Maintenance and hygiene

Ease of maintenance
Cost of maintenance
Hair loss
Drool level
Ease of grooming

The King Charles Spaniel performs 2 moults per year, one in the fall and another in the spring. Its abundant dress, its fringed ears and its eyes must be regularly maintained in order to preserve its cleanliness and health.

The King Charles Spaniel needs the benefit of daily walks and opportunities to let off steam.

It is recommended to brush the dog once a week using an iron brush without picot or a soft card, then with a fine comb. You have to be careful that his hair does not form knots. The bath should be given every two months, making sure to use a special dog shampoo and to untie any knots beforehand if there are any.

Price and budget

Purchase price

800 €
1300 €

The purchase price of a King Charles Spaniel is between 800 € and 1300 €.

Annual maintenance cost


The annual maintenance cost of a King Charles Spaniel is between NC and NC.

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Physical activity

Energy level
Potential to play


Classifications & Standards
(FCI) Fédération Cynologique Internationale


Master character <span class="btnTooltip qTip2" title="- Calm: the master must be gentle and know how to show patience.
– Active: the owner must be energetic and dynamic to live in harmony with his dog.
– Hyperactive: the owner must be stimulating and very restless to suit the temperament of his dog.”>

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