Dog dragged in back of car then abandoned on ring road, driver wanted by police

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Rescued by firefighters and taken to a veterinarian, a dog is now between life and death after being dragged behind a car on the Nantes ring road. Police are looking for the driver.

In Nantes , a motorist witnessed a shocking scene on the ring road and warned the police. Before his eyes, another road user was dragging a dog behind his vehicle, before abandoning it on the scene, France Bleu reported on Tuesday, July 27.

Police were notified shortly before 10 p.m. on Monday July 26. The witness, outraged by what he had just seen Porte de Grand Lieu , described the facts to the authorities in detail. According to his account, the quadruped was attached by its leash to the hitch at the back of the car. The driver had thus dragged it for at least ten meters, while it was traveling at a sustained speed.

Porte de Grand Lieu, boulevard outskirts of Nantes – Google Maps

The poor animal could not keep up with the hellish pace imposed by the motorist. The latter then stopped to untie the canine, leave it there and resume its journey.

The dog might not survive

When the police arrived, the individual had already left the scene. The dog was in very bad shape. In the tweet posted yesterday by the Nantes police, we learn that the firefighters of the Loire-Atlantique departmental fire and rescue service took care of him and took him to the veterinarian. The animal is in critical condition.

[#ProtectionAnimale] Yesterday on the outskirts of #Nantes our #police officers were notified of 1 reckless driver dragging behind him 1 ???? hooked by 1 leash to the team of his ????.
???? unhooked then abandoned on the side of the road.
???? Rescued by @ Sdis44 ?????? vet.
???????? in progress. # ContreLesViolences

Read also: 2 dogs abandoned in a shelter practicing euthanasia receive the best gift (video)

– Police Nationale 44 (@ PoliceNat44) July 27, 2021

The police are actively looking for the perpetrator of this despicable act. His vehicle’s license plate and the information obtained from the dog’s ID chip should put them on his trail.

In the Twitter publication mentioned above, the Loire-Atlantique police also recalls that the abandonment of an animal is punishable by law. This is an offense punishable by imprisonment for 2 years and a fine of 30,000 euros.

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