Man buys and renovates a cottage in the countryside to ensure the best possible retirement for his dog

To allow his senior dog to enjoy maximum calm and comfort during his old age, a man decided to move into a house in the heart of the forest. A natural setting that is good for the whole family.

I saw him, he saw me and his ears pricked up. I knew he had chosen me ”. This is how Lorenzo Buffa describes to The Dodo his meeting with his dog Myles . They haven’t left each other since.

Lorenzo Buffa / The Dodo

Aged in his thirties, the man remembers that day as if it were yesterday. At the time, he used to see volunteers at a local shelter walking the dogs in the park every Friday. He watched these canines in the distance, telling himself that he was sad that they had no family.

Then one of them came up to him and looked him straight in the eye. It was Myles . It did not take more to convince Lorenzo Buffa that they were made to be the best friends in the world. The adoption was quick.

Lorenzo Buffa / The Dodo

Together, they chained adventures and discoveries, between hikes, swimming and endless games. At 13, however, Myles no longer has all of his physical means and his health. Cataracts, arthritis, heart problems and a lack of energy mean that he cannot do all of these activities as he once did. He continues, of course, to walk and swim, but having slowed down so as not to upset his body.

Lorenzo Buffa / The Dodo

The pandemic has accelerated the move

Lorenzo Buffa was beginning to think that his dog needed a more peaceful environment while being closer to nature. He himself wanted to get away from the city. The Covid-19 pandemic only strengthened him in his conviction.

He ended up finding a small chalet planted in the heart of a wood and near a body of water. He bought it, renovated it, fitted it out for the comfort of his dog and named it “ Camp Myles ”. The senior canine, his master and his 2 cats, Tofu and Mama , have never been happier than since their installation in the middle of the forest.

Lorenzo Buffa / The Dodo

Myles spends his days enjoying the pure, fresh air, lying on the patio of the maisonette. And when the mood takes it, he takes a little walk in the greenery in the company of his best friend for life.

Read also: Terrified of humans because of the mistreatment he suffered, this Malinois is learning to trust again

Lorenzo Buffa / The Dodo


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