Man nears death dies after unintentional dog scratch

Caters News Agency / Daily Mail

A simple play session with his dog almost turned into a tragedy for a father living in England. The animal unintentionally injured him and caused a widespread infection that could have been fatal. The man recovered after several operations.

Jon Lewthwaite , 50-year-old computer scientist and father of 7, is a Scottish man who lives in Swindon , England. Man is a true miracle worker ; he was barely saved by doctors after contracting sepsis from a scratch made by his dog , reports the Daily Mail .

He was playing with Penny , a 3-year-old Cavachon female (cross between Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Bichon au poil frisé ), when the latter unwittingly gave him a paw on the arm, scratching him with her claws. The next day, Jon Lewthwaite started to feel pain in his arm , all around the injury the day before, then it started to swell .

Extensive medical examinations revealed that he was plagued by a widespread infection , which was caused by bacteria transmitted by the female dog. Admitted to the Royal United Hospital in Bath , Jon Lewthwaite suffered from kidney failure and damage to the skin and muscle tissue . Nausea and high fever were also declared.

5 operations , carried out in 3 weeks, were necessary. A skin graft was then performed on the wound area.

Read also: A blind woman and her guide dog happy to reunite after months of painful separation

Today Jon Lewthwaite was bailed. He must continue his rehabilitation to regain full use of his arm. And, of course, he absolutely doesn’t blame Penny , who was just playing with him.

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