Questioned by the state of dogs put up for sale in an illegal breeding, an association intervenes and saves 10 American Staffordshire Terriers

The Association Action Protection Animale rescued 10 dogs who lived in an illegal breeding in Seine-Saint-Denis. Mostly crammed into cages, they were held in deplorable conditions and used only for breeding, to generate profit.

The 10 American Staffordshire Terriers rescued by Action Protection Animale have nothing more to fear. They will soon be ready to begin their new life , in loving and safe homes, far from the ordeal they had known until then.

The rescue is reported on the association’s website. It took place after the latter was alerted to disturbing videos circulating on Snapchat in which sick dogs were offered for sale . Prices ranged from 400 to 800 euros.

After a long and difficult investigation , the Action Protection Animale team was able to intervene at the home concerned, located in Neuilly-sur-Marne (93). Dogs were held in different places to cover their tracks.

5 bitches used for breeding were locked in a single cage . They were only there to father litters of puppies and suffered greatly from their living conditions. Their deformed bodies testify to this.

Their offspring had neither water nor food at their disposal. They were surrounded by droppings and urine littering the floors. In addition, they were prone to deficiencies and infested with parasites . The other dogs were crammed into a small balcony with no hygiene.

Read also: A caring dog refuses to leave the bedside of a seriously ill puppy

The 10 canines were entrusted to the Amis des Bêtes refuge , located in Aix-les-Bains (73) and a partner of Action Protection Animale .

The association, which is looking for foster families to prepare them for adoption , has filed a complaint against those responsible for this illegal breeding .


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