Remove external parasites (ticks, lice, mites) from dogs

Illustration : "Débarrasser son chien des parasites externes (tiques, poux, acariens)"

all dogs may be infected by external parasites. We must ensure that they are well protected because it is related to their health and well-being.


tick dog lice mite

flea dogs may be infected with different types of external parasites. Some dogs are slightly larger than others and therefore more conspicuous, but no matter how big they are, they must be removed to protect the health and well-being of our dog companions. Their surroundings, including ourselves, may also be affected by these diseases and discomfort.

ticks “kdsp” ticks feed on the blood of host animals. Since many animals are infected with dogs, they may cause anemia in dogs. The consequences of ticks infecting animals may be more serious: ticks are vectors of serious diseases in dogs, such as pirosis, Ehrlichia or Lyme disease (or borreliasis). These diseases are always very serious and even fatal to some people.

therefore, it is necessary to take preventive measures to protect dogs and themselves first. Ticks live in the environment, so brush your teeth after each walk to detect and remove possible ticks, so as to prevent them from transmitting diseases.

anti tick treatment through spray, straw or necklace can not only prevent, but also treat infection. When ticks are attached to the dog’s skin, they should be removed manually. This can only be done using a crochet shaped retractor (just take the tick into the hook and rotate it as if it had been transferred; it will extinguish itself) because it avoids leaving the parasite’s “head” on the dog’s skin.

dog lice

Dog lice are unique to dogs. They are not transmitted to other organisms, but can be transmitted between homologues through direct contact (between dogs) or indirect contact (through baskets, necklaces, etc.).

lice and eggs (slow) feed on skin fragments (such as dog triangle) and blood (linonathus setosus)

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, you can use a specific pesticide shampoo to eradicate them. The use of this shampoo needs to be updated many times to ensure that all eggs can be removed. Spray or pipette therapy can then be used instead and protect the dog and its environment. If multiple dogs share the same environment, all dogs must be treated and the environment treated by spray or sprayer.

mite “kdsp” in addition to ticks, other kinds of mites can also infect dogs, such as aorta and scabies. These tiny parasites grow on the host’s skin. Infected dogs develop severe itching and redness. In addition, a large number of hair loss and lumps were observed.


treatment included repeated oral acaricide and care of the affected area. Similarly, cleaning the dog’s environment is the key to prevent further infection.


flea is the most common external parasite of dogs. They can become infected at any time of the year. The main species of fleas areCat cefotaxime – cat fleas (also dog fleas: dog cefotaxime) cause irritation and itching papules (itching) by stimulating animals. Unlike lice, fleas are specific parasites. They can feed on any individual of any species.

some dogs are allergic to flea saliva and inject it into the skin during the bite.

flea treatment has several aspects:

also read: how to reduce the itching of dogs? “Dogs are treated with anti flea shampoo or an appropriate pipette or spray. Treat living animals with infected dogs: cats, Indian pigs, rabbits… Everyone has their own products; Do not use treatments with each other. Environmental treatment: use sprayers or diffusers. Most fleas (immature forms: eggs, larvae, nymphs) live at home. Treatment of digestive worms: fleas are the carrier of tapeworm. Each anti chip product of

has its unique application characteristics: it is placed directly on the skin, such as 48 hours after shampoo. Stay alert, understand the conditions of use, and seek advice from your veterinarian.

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