Rescue workers launch a rescue mission to find a man and his dog who have been missing for several days

In 2016, Randy Bilyeu, 53, went missing with his dog Leo in the Rocky Mountains, a 5,000 kilometer mountain range in North America. Only the animal was found 10 days later. Nurse Erin Johnson, who took part in the rescue operation, gives news of the survivor 5 years later.

Randy Bilyeu has gone in search of a chest filled with an estimated $ 1 million in the Rocky Mountains, hidden by millionaire Forrest Fenn . During this treasure hunt, Randy Bilyeu took his pet, from which he was inseparable. The 2 acolytes left in January 2016.

© Linda Bilyeu

Unfortunately, the adventure ended badly. After having sailed on the Rio Grande river, the duo tragically disappeared for 10 days, relates People . Authorities attempted to rescue them, but the chances of finding them alive were slim. “ We have been informed that this gentleman is missing… and the weather has been very cold, ” said Erin Johnson . The team of professionals searched the area by helicopter. Only Leo was recovered.

The nurse got attached to the dog

The dog was dirty, hungry, and quite aggressive. The poor animal tried to survive alone in the mountain. The nurse managed to approach him, bringing food. The sweater he was wearing certainly protected him from the cold.

© Satoshi Mori

Leo has been placed in a shelter. 6 months later, the body of its late owner was found. Erin Johnson has contacted Randy Bilyeu’s family to ask them to adopt the dog she rescued. The response was favorable, the canine was taken in by the nurse.

© CBS News

5 years after this tragic event, Leo has rebuilt his life, is doing well and is flooded with love on a daily basis.


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