Rescuers find a dog after 4 days of intense search thanks to the mobilization of the neighborhood

Disappeared for a week in the Alpes-Maritimes, a dog called Warrior ended up being found thanks to a strong mobilization. Its situation was all the more worrying as the canine is injured in the leg and is not used to low temperatures.

The quadruped had run away from the Garbejaïre district in Valbonne (06). According to a recent report, he would have been on the side of Roquefort-les-Pins , on the road leading to the neighboring town of La Colle-sur-Loup .

Like so many others among his fellow Reunionese, Warrior was used as bait for shark fishing , before his rescue and his arrival in mainland France last summer.

Warrior finally found on Friday at Le Rouret

About thirty people participated in the research at the end of last week. Firefighters have been notified. A mobilization that ended up bearing fruit. In a new article published in Nice Matin , it was announced that Warrior had been found on Friday January 1 in the nearby town of Rouret , west of Roquefort-les-Pins .

Read also: An owner amused when he discovers that his English Bulldog only understands Spanish


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