The best names for a female dog

The choice of the name for your dog can be done according to various criteria and the possibilities are endless. Here are some suggestions for naming your female dog.

Faced with the embarrassment of choice and the desire, often, to find something original, choosing a name to give to your dog is not always easy. If the choices that are out of the ordinary may appeal, some classics remain just as effective.

The ideal would be to concentrate on names made up of one to two syllables , just like the basic commands that you instill in your puppy. The simpler the expression and the clearer its sounds, the faster the dog will become familiar with it and respond to it. What are the best names for a bitch ? These few guidelines will help you find inspiration.

The rule of the first letter of the first name according to the year

The SCC ( Société Centrale Canine ) recommends naming your dog according to the letter of the year . This principle was put in place in 1926 by what was called at the time the Société Centrale – before becoming the Société Centrale Canine – in order to better organize the registration of dogs in the LOF (French Book of Origins ). From this date, all dogs born in the same year must be assigned a name whose first letter is the same.

Read also: The best V names for a dog

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Here are 28 of the most popular name suggestions for female dogs

  • Belle / Bella : to emphasize the beauty and grace of your dog.
  • Betty : in reference to the character of Betty Boop .
  • Cinnamon : a spicy and fragrant name for your dog.
  • Chanel : celebrates the elegance and coquetry of your 4-legged friend.
  • Chipie : for the most turbulent.
  • Choupette : more suitable for small or medium size bitches. But nothing prevents you from naming your German Mastiff , Mastiff or Cane Corso female as well.
  • Daisy : Donald Duck’s flirtatious girlfriend.
  • Dora : the most famous of explorers. Fashionable thanks to the success of the animated series launched in 2000.
  • Gaia : the Mother Goddess, or Mother Nature by extension.
  • Isis : queen and goddess of ancient Egypt, wife of King Osiris .
  • Jade : because your dog is precious.
  • Joy : joy, in English. They will always know how to bring you some.
  • Lady : lady, in English. Refers to the idea of class and presence.
  • Lassie : this name was obviously popularized by the famous series whose heroine was the female Collie of the same name. This cult canine character was characterized by great intelligence and unwavering courage.
  • Lili / Lily : simple, cute and efficient.
  • Lola : Spanish first name which, at the base, is the diminutive of Dolores . Also available in Lolita , but the 2 syllable version is always better for a dog.
  • Luna / Louna : the Moon. Beautiful, fascinating and mysterious. Like your bitch.
  • Nina : same as for Lili. Easy to remember, perfectly audible.
  • Praline : symbol of gluttony and sweetness.
  • Princess : for bitches of royal blood.
  • Roxy : easily identifiable by the bitch thanks to its 2 syllables.
  • Tara : the capital of Ireland in Celtic mythology.
  • Tina : diminutive of Christina . Celebrities with this first name are Tina Turner , Tina Fey and Tina Arena.
  • Vanilla : may refer to the color of the dog’s coat.
  • Venus : goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology.
  • Xena : X is one of the letters removed by the CCS Canine Alphabet, but Xena is still a pretty good name. In reference to the formidable warrior princess of the television series of the same name.


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