The residents unite and alert the authorities to save a dog who lives attached to a radiator in his excrement!

A man was supposed to take care of a dog while its owner was away, but he obviously did not, given the condition in which the animal was found by police. The Les Sales Gosses association lodged a complaint against the 2 people in question. The canine was given to a foster family.

It had been several days that we heard the moans of a dog in one of the apartments of a building located in Melun (77). The neighbors eventually informed the police . Thus, on July 13, the police arrived at the home concerned, as reported by the Republic of Seine-et-Marne .

The apartment was closed, but a man arrived, explaining to law enforcement officials that the dog’s owner had instructed him to look after the animal in his absence.

Upon entering the apartment, the police found that the dog was attached to the radiator through its leash . Besides, he was in the middle of his droppings and urine . It was clear the quadruped had n’t been out for days .

Local residents have confirmed this to Jérôme Cordier , vice-president of Sales Gosses . It is this animal protection association which has collected the dog and brought charges against its owner and against the person who had to take care of, and this for voluntary abandonment and illegal detention of dog 1st category.

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His mistress did not show up for his summons to the Melun police station on Friday July 17.

The animal was entrusted to a foster family for the duration of the investigation.


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