This dog is desperately waiting for his deceased master to open the door to his office …

Buboy was not given up on purpose. This dog saw his owner suddenly die of a stroke. Overnight, he found himself alone, wandering the corridors of a faculty where he had taken his ease. Fortunately, he was able to count on the understanding of the faculty so as not to end up on the streets …

Buboy had acquired his habits. Every day, this dog accompanied his master everywhere. In the faculty’s lunch room , in his classroom and even in his office . A daily shared for four years. A daily that suddenly ended two weeks ago.

Professor Carmelito Marcelo , who taught at the faculty at Mabalacat City College in Pampanga , Philippines , has died of a stroke. Enough to orphan Buboy. The latter did not understand immediately that his owner would never come back. Besides, as you can see on the video, he was quietly waiting in front of his office door. Since two weeks. Hoping to see his father come out.

The teachers took over to take care of Buboy

What to move everyone a little. Including Kristina Demafelix , one of Carmelito’s colleagues. The latter even took the canine to pay a last tribute to its missing master. Buboy lay down next to the coffin , refusing to move when it was time. Aware of being alone now.

Read also: A family surprised when they discover that their dog has saved and brought back a kitten abandoned in the rain (video)


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