To help a blind fellow, this bitch improvises as a guide!

Jake the dog lost his sight, but he managed to adapt to his new life thanks to his congener Addie. The latter quite naturally took on the role of guide, serving as a daily reference point and reassuring him with each faith that he needs.

Bored Panda has a wonderful story of friendship , the one between a blind dog and a bitch who guides and comforts him .

Jake the Golden Retriever , 2 years old, gradually lost his visual abilities , until he became totally blind. Yet his family had spared no effort to try to prevent him from doing so. Despite the treatments and several operations , Jake’s eyes were causing him excruciating pain and becoming less and less functional. It was necessary either to remove them or to euthanize the animal, according to the veterinarians . Two extremely cruel choices, but the first was the better alternative. The decision was therefore taken to operate.

After the operation, Jake gradually adapted to his new condition . To help him, he was able to count on Addie , a Golden Retriever too. Both dogs were adopted by Kim and her partner after the deaths of Molly and Wrigley , who were of the same breed. Jake was very close to Wrigley and his disappearance had affected him greatly. Addie was already there to help her overcome this grief .

It is therefore most naturally in the world that she improvised as a guide for Jake when he had to face blindness . Today, the latter leads an almost normal life thanks to her. He relies on the smell of his friend and the sound produced by the bell she wears on the necklace to find his way around while following her.

Together, they spend their days playing, sleeping and making discoveries. Their owners take them wherever they go, especially on their road trips , and the dog pair makes the most of it.

While delivering this story to Bored Panda , Kim wanted to express her gratitude to all the owners of blind dogs who had contacted her to tell her about their respective experiences and explain to her that these animals had a tremendous capacity for adaptation . They promised him that Jake was going to get by, provided they are in good company. And that’s exactly what happened, thanks in large part to Addie .

To read also: A scared wolf dog who did not trust anyone finally came out of his kennel by finding a soul mate!


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