To treat his dog hit by a car, a man forces the door of a veterinary clinic

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Tuesday August 20, at the end of the evening, an individual tries to force the door of a veterinary clinic in the suburbs of Metz . The police intervene and take into custody the 39-year-old man, who had tried to flee. The latter actually wanted to recover products that would treat his little doggie, hit by a car …

A burglary attempt should never be encouraged. On the contrary. But, in this case, it was a good intention . In Metz , this Tuesday, August 20 at around 11 p.m., an individual broke the front door of a veterinary clinic , rue de Pont-à-Mousson in the town adjacent to the Moselle capital, Montigny-lès-Metz .

Far from him the idea of stealing. No. He just wanted to recover products that could relieve and treat his little dog, hit by a car and hit in the muzzle . This is in any case what he will affirm, a few hours later, to the police after his detention , according to information from the Republican Lorrain.

The dog examined at the police station!

Because this break-in did not go unnoticed. One of the clinic’s veterinarians was alerted to this intrusion by the establishment’s video surveillance company. The latter joins the police, who intervene and cut the road to the individual who tried to flee .

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39 years old, the Messin seemed distraught. The veterinarian, who went to the Metz police station to file a complaint, agreed to examine Boubou , the overturned canine. Its owner comes out free, but with a summons before the criminal court . He will be tried in the CRPC (prior acknowledgment of guilt) in December for intentional damage , but not for an attempted burglary that was ultimately unsuccessful. A lesser evil.

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