Wanimo, veterinary advice and online pet store, celebrates its 20th anniversary


A pioneer of e-commerce in wildlife France and major player in the veterinary advice online, Wanimo celebrates its 20th anniversary. For the occasion, the site looks back on its evolution, but also on that of the place of animals in society.

The Wanimo adventure began in October 2000 . At the time, the debate on animal welfare and the place of our companions in society was very different from what we see today.

In 20 years, much has changed in the world of dogs , cats and other pets . An evolution that Wanimo has accompanied and followed by adapting to the requirements of the time, even by anticipating them.

The veterinary advice site is therefore celebrating the 20 th anniversary of its online store , offering products intended for animal welfare and responding to the varied and constantly evolving profiles of owners, who primarily seek quality for their faithful. friends.

They see them as full members of their family , sometimes even as their children . A feeling that has only consolidated during the confinement imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. A period during which the e-commerce site saw its sales double and the requests for its veterinary consulting services skyrocket.

In addition to offering carefully selected products and advice from the team’s veterinarians, Wanimo also encourages responsible adoption through the SecondeChance.org platform, created in 2007 and now a full-fledged association. On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, Wanimo partners besides the Capellino Foundation Almo Nature and its AdoptMe initiative; thus, for each animal adopted in a refuge , Almo Nature offers its adopter one month of food , but also a month of food to another animal who is still expecting a family.

Wanimo has also modernized its site to improve ergonomics , facilitate product searches and highlight customer and expert opinions .

Read also: A video shows a Husky being abandoned on the side of the road before being adopted

Finally, to mark its 20th anniversary, consisting Wanimo launches game to guess the team hiding behind his photos. 1000 € of Wanimo vouchers , 5 photo shoots with his animal in partnership with Welenz.fr and many gifts are to be won.

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