This little girl knew exactly what to do to calm the dog terrified by the fireworks

For Kimbo, an adorable Golden Retriever, the fireworks fired on National Day are a terrible ordeal. But a little girl immediately knew how to comfort the dog.

Kimbo , a Golden Retriever dog , lives in New York City with her daddy Marco . In the “Big Apple” and all around, there is no shortage of activities.

Between parks and dog pools , walks in New Jersey, or hikes in the Hudson Valley , the quadruped is regularly entitled to all kinds of adventures.

Kimbo is also perfectly used to the noises of the megalopolis. Nonetheless, he and Marco recently moved to Brooklyn and, as The Dodo recounts, the dog was somewhat disturbed by his new surroundings . It is especially on the occasion of July 4 , national holiday of the United States, that the animal had a very bad experience . Like many of his peers, Kimbo is terrified of fireworks . That evening, Marco had invited friends over to his apartment for dinner.

As the fireworks display began, the Golden Retriever took refuge in the bathroom . Marco came and went to comfort him by stroking him, talking to him and offering him treats . The dog barking to express his fear, then, when the daughter of one of the guests went to see him, barking stopped. Everyone went to join the duo to see what had happened and which had calmed the quadruped. Here’s what they found:

Read also: A Golden Retriever takes himself for Robert de Niro and trains in front of the mirror to make his wicked gaze (video)

The 4-year-old girl had the idea to surround Kimbo , who had been lying in the bathtub, with her favorite toys. All that was needed was to reassure him and make him forget the explosions that echoed outside and which remained perceptible despite the closed windows. The simplest strategies are often the most effective and they can come from the least expected, children in this case.


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