What is an LOF confirmation?

Historical reminder concerning the French Book of Origins

First of all, let’s take a look at this famous LOF, acronym for Livre des Origines Français . It is a sort of large national register in which all the origins of French purebred dogs are listed.
This LOF was created by the founders of the SCC (Société Centrale Canine) in 1885. The belonging of a dog to this French Book of Origins attests to the purity of its breed and its parents.

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  • Covering is declared within 8 weeks of mating;
  • The number of puppies is also declared and the litter registered with the Société Centrale Canine within 2 weeks of birth;
  • Breeding dogs have obtained their Confirmation;
  • The dog in question goes through the examination stage by an expert-confirmer or a judge specializing in the breed.

The principles of Confirmation and its main stages

The passage to the expert-confirmer for the examination must not be done before adulthood . This minimum age depends on the breed and can range from 10 to 15 months. However, there is no maximum age.

After a preliminary registration, the owner of the dog presents it to a judge who will examine it to see if its characteristics correspond to the standards of the breed. If the judgment of the expert-confirmer is favorable, the latter appends his signature on the Confirmation request form . This form must then be sent to the SCC which will then transmit the final pedigree of the dog.

Different ways to register your dog in the French Book of Origins

There are several types of LOF registrations:

Read also: Famous dogs and their breeds

  • Registration for offspring: the parents are already registered in the LOF and the dog corresponds to the standards of the breed
  • Initial registration: the parents are not registered in the LOF, but the dog corresponds to the standards of the breed
  • Registration for importation: the dog has been imported and registered in a foreign book recognized by the SCC. Confirmation by an expert in France is obviously necessary
  • Registration in the waiting book: when the original breed book is “closed”. It may be that the entries in the book of a breed are limited to dogs whose parents have themselves been registered, especially when the population of a breed is too large. Dogs can only be registered in the LOF after 3 generations registered in this waiting book.
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