17 dogs transformed after their visit to the groomer

Our dog friends come out of a grooming session completely changed and are barely recognizable. As can be seen in these photos.

Grooming is important for the dog’s overall hygiene. Some people decide to do grooming sessions not a hygienic act, but a makeover by having their four-legged companions do a new haircut. Which does not fail to completely transform them.

Here are 17 photos of dogs who changed their heads after being groomed.

1. A dog who looks like he’s going through a teenage crisis with his wick to the side

2. Goodbye long hairs. Hello little quilts

3. Looks like this dog has lost volume to get lighter

4. The groomer left his tail intact in case he missed his long hairs.

5. The groomer opted for a lion’s mane for this pretty Dwarf Spitz

6. A Poodle completely revamped by the care of his groomer

7. He no longer needs to have his hair tied to clear his gaze

8. Her smile is clearly more drawn and her gaze more touching.

9. A Golden Retriever and Border Collie cross who now has short hair

10. His groomer also decreed that the lion’s mane would look good on him.

11. The bitch could not see because of the hairs falling on her eyes.

12. We can better distinguish the features of his face

13. The poor dog no longer recognizes himself in the mirror

14. Her owner finally decided that it was better to let her hair grow back

15. The different hairstyle tests that his groomer had fun doing

Read also: A dog stops traffic when its owner, affected by a seizure, collapses on the road (video)

16. Its owner is not satisfied

17. This dog now looks like an American Akita


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