20 photos of Labradors with a jovial and friendly expression

Labrador Retrievers are among the most loving and cheerful dogs. It’s no secret and these photos only confirm it.

Labrador Retriever dogs are known for their gentle and loving nature. They are also very loyal and protective dogs. Enthusiastic and full of life, they constantly display cheerful and benevolent expressions.

Here are 20 photos of friendly and cheerful Labrador Retrievers.

1. A beautiful Labrador Retriever who follows his owner’s actions with his eyes

2. Her chocolate dress and brown eyes make her a very beautiful dog.

3. This is a clearly enthusiastic Labrador Retriever

4. Jumps like this are a sign that this dog is very excited about swimming.

5. A face like this is absolutely irresistible

6. The Labrador Retriever is the ideal canine companion, he proves it from an early age

7. A truth that each of them is busy confirming by his endearing attitude

8. Whatever the color of their dress, they have everything to please us

9. His eyes melt the hearts of his owners

10. He watches TV in his owner’s lap until he falls asleep

11. He saw that his owner had taken out the gardening tools and was patiently waiting for the instructions.

12. He smiles for the photo

13. Here is the puppy that has delighted the hearts of the whole family

14. A wise old Labrador Retriever dog

15. This young Labrador Retriever has eyes that light up every time he receives an award.

16. He doesn’t seem to like the colors of his bow tie.

17. A little bitch all ears in front of the instructions of her educator

Read also: She accidentally rolls over her dog, who disappears for 24 long hours

18. Caresses are his weak point

19. He loves nothing more than to roll in the grass

20. This dog seems soothed by his day in the wilderness


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