68 dogs rescued from controversial Yulin festival in China

A convoy carrying dozens of dogs to the Yulin festival was intercepted by a group of Chinese activists. A saving intervention for the canines in question which were to be slaughtered during this event, like thousands of their congeners.

Members of an association working for animal welfare in China rescued 68 dogs on their way to the infamous Yulin festival, as reported by the New York Post on Monday, June 21.

According to the organization Humane Society International (HSI), the volunteers succeeded in intercepting this convoy which was about to enter the city of Yulin , located in the southeast of the autonomous region of Guangxi (southern China). ).

Constant that the authorities were not really ready to support them in this rescue, the militants had to act alone and force the carriers to stop. This allowed them to free the 68 dogs, many of whom suffered from various health problems.

Humane Society International / Facebook

The friendly attitude of these canines, some even clearly seeking contact with humans, suggests that they had families. It is moreover probable that some of them were stolen.

Dogs in good hands, soon to be transferred to HSI shelter

The 68 recently rescued dogs have been taken to veterinarians. They receive all the care they need and are resting, while waiting to be transferred to the Humane Society International shelter.

To read also: A hyper protective puppy with his blind sister since their birth in deplorable conditions (video)


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